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Corey Howard and the 80's
That 80's Show set in 1984 San Diego Califorina, is the follow up to fox's hit That 70's show. Each weeek we are transported back to the 1980's with easygoing non-materialistic Corey Howard, his buddy Roger who enjoy's the 80's lifestyle, as acar salesman, and idolizing Ronald Regan,Corey's good natured sister Katie, and his middle aged club going father R.T. ,and Corey's boss margeret, and of course each week we get to see if the tension will ever be broken between Corey and fellow "Permanent Record Store worker Tuesday. Tension that we have not seen since the cold war of the 80's itself. So sit back and enjoy everything that is 80's on this website. |
The History or Story Behind My Site
maybe you grew up in the 80's or perhap's you dont even remember them. "dont worry Be Happy". That's why were here , Here's hoping this website will jar your memory. ans hey maybe we forgot to mention some monumental thing from the 80's let us know we would love to hear your input.
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Want to totally feel like your in the 80's ? Then either write this website down or go to our direct link and play pac-man online.
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