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Club Berlin
"you mean to tell me you built a time machine out of a delorean?"- Michael J Fox"BACK TO THE FUTURE
some more movie quotes- "Luke I am your Father"-darth vader"EMPIRE" "I dont expect love to be perfect, but at least human"-tom hanks "SPLASH" "I am very happy to be here"-" "F'u"-neighboor "Yes , yes F'u too"-eddie murphy-"COMING TO AMERICA"
Movie sequels
let's just say the 80's were know for movie sequels. In some cases they should have stopped with one movie. you be the judge of some 1.)Rocky 3+4 2.)Jaws 3+4 3.)Gremlins 2 -the new batch 4.)Indiana jones and the temple of doom 5.)Karate kid 2
6.)Beverly Hills cop 2
7.)Rambo 2
Favorite songs to play air guitar to!!!!
Sure you know at some point you've caught your self jammin to an 80's classic with your very own air guitar. it's what roc n roll dreams are made of. So here's our list of favorite songs to air guitar to, ( we promise we wont tell we do it, as long as you dont) 1.)" You give Love a Bad Name"- Bon jovi 2.)"Unskinny Bop"-Poisin 3.)"Welcome to the Jungle" 4.)"Hungry Heart"- Bruce Springsteen 5.)pour some sugar on me"-Def leppard
6.)Any Van Halen song
7.)"Here I Go Again"- White Snake
8.)"Rock you like a Hurricane"-The Scorpions
"It's Science"- science fiction movies of the 80's
Let's face it the 80's had some pretty cool science fiction movies, and some not so. Sure the special effects look like crap back then, but here's some notable movies 1.)Return of the jedi 2.)Last Starfighter 3.)Star Trek 4 -the voyage home 4.)weird science 5.)howard the duck
10.)Superman 3+4
11.)The Terminator